Einsteigen Bitte!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

OH MY GOD!!!!! I've got an interview with the Berlin Eisbären!!! I have to do an interview for my German Media class, so I wrote to their management just in case there was a slight possibility they would be willing to let me do it with them, and I just got an email back in the affirmative!! I just have to find a tape recorder now, then rock up at training!
Anyway, I promised pics from last Friday nights game, and I've finally been to the Siegesäule in the meantime too, so here they are!

The Game was against the Frankfurt Lions, in case I haven't said that already. The Lions are currently much higher up the ladder, but the Eisbären defeted them 4:2. Being the good sports that they are, they all go and shake the oppositions hands after the game. I discovered yesterday that some Eisbären fans were attacked on their way home from this game. It looks to be something race related unfortunately. Though the details are unclear.

Here are Dana, Nat (Paul's friend) and Paul intently watching. We always get standing spots, it's much cheaper and the vibe is really cool! When your legs get tired, it's always possible to sit on the step, as these three are doing here. Paul is the other Monash student here, though he's decided not to go back to Monash next year. Tyson, René and Michael were there too, but I didn't take any photos of them for some reason.

Sorry, just proof for Mum and Dad that I'm eating properly. A very german meal indeed.

This photo was taken from the Luther bridge, which crosses over the Spree. Here you can see the Fernseheturm (tv tower), Chancelory, Kulturforum, and the Copula of the Reichstag. Pretty good shot hey! The red brick building to the left of the shot is actually a primary school. What a place to get an education!

Bellevue, the Bundespresidänt lives(?) and works here.

It's a little dark, but i think this one speaks for itself. The Siegesäule is located on a traffic island called the Große Stern, in case you were wondering it's significance. The traffic around here is absolutely crazy. I'm very glad I don't have to drive around this island, or anywhere else in Berlin for that matter.

And finally we come to... The Siegesäule! This tower is around 70metres tall (I've forgotten the exact measurements). It originally stood right in front of the Reichstag, but the Nazis moved it as they intended to completely rebuild Berlin "after victory". It was constructed to celebrate the end of the 1860 - 1870/71 war, which led to the unification of Germany. The Angel on top was modelled after the sculptors daughter.

This shot shows one of the murals on the base. Note the bullet and artillery damage. The Nazis and the Soviets fought for Berlin right here.


  • At 1:10 am, Blogger Lionel said…

    Some great shots there!

    Don't eat too healthily, it's not good for you. :-)


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